07. Ditching the Binders

Being a caregiver to a child with a disability or medical condition can be both mentally and emotionally draining. From the early days in the NICU to countless appointments with developmental pediatricians, occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech therapists and more, it can be daunting keeping everything organized. We’ve been there — the endless piles of post-its, folders and binders strewn all over your home. Chronically Simple was built by patients and caregivers for patients and caregivers. This app provides a secure digital solution—a centralized place for patients and caregivers to store all of their important documents, organized in a way that makes sense for them so they never arrive at an appointment without the necessary information again.

Having ownership over their records and health information provides them with the opportunity to be more empowered with their healthcare journey and to assist with their medical advocacy.



Brenda Agnew, Parent Partner, Chronically Simple
Kristy Dickinson, Founder & CEO, Chronically Simple